Remote Work Policy

At Virajo AutoSoft Pvt. Ltd., we prioritize the safety, productivity, and well-being of our employees. Our remote work policy ensures that flexibility is balanced with operational needs. Please review the following guidelines:
Remote Work Allocation:
Remote work will be permitted when deemed necessary, taking into account both business requirements and individual circumstances. Employees are encouraged to discuss their remote work needs with their supervisors, ensuring that work-from-home arrangements align with company objectives.
Night Shift Operations:
Night shifts will now be centralized in Pune, with employees expected to conduct their duties exclusively from this location. Travel to hometowns during night shifts is not permitted. This decision aims to streamline operations and enhance efficiency.
Roster Flexibility:
To accommodate varying schedules and promote work-life balance, roster arrangements may be subject to periodic changes. These changes may occur on a weekly or fortnightly basis, allowing for greater adaptability and equitable distribution of workload.
Compliance and Feedback:
All employees are expected to adhere to these policies and cooperate with management to ensure smooth implementation. Feedback regarding the effectiveness of these policies is welcomed and can be directed to the HR department for consideration.
Thank you for your cooperation in upholding these policies, which are designed to maintain operational efficiency while supporting the needs of our workforce.
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